The Framework for Improving Student Outcomes (FISO 2.0) sets out five core elements that together realise the goals of excellence and equity through developing the learning and wellbeing of every student. When integrated, these elements build a positive environment through strong relationships that enables all students to become happy, healthy, and resilient; successful lifelong learners; and active, informed members of just and sustainable communities.

Framework for Improving Student Outcomes

For more information on FISO please see this website:

Education State Targets

The Victorian State Education Targets are designed to bring Victoria in line with the highest levels of achievement and quality in learning. They will focus our effort on the knowledge, skills and attributes that matter most to parents, students and employers. A key focus for schools is breaking the link between a child’s social and economic background and how well they do at school. At the same time, schools will give students the skills they need for work and life like resilience and the capacity for critical and creative thinking.